If your organisation is still relying on traditional tools like colour-coded heat maps, it might be time to consider if those methods are providing the level of insight and precision your business needs
Thursday, December 7, 2023 was an important day for ACI.We held our December seminar on IT Risk quantification.We were proud that more than 180 people had signed up for the seminar from more than 100 organizations across Europe.We shared experiences from 5 years of...
Part Two: ‘We Should Never Have Said That’ and How to Avoid It Being Used Against You Before It’s Too Late
Earlier this year, the first part of this article was published. It’s a good place to start to learn why you want to understand your company’s attack surface. Websites and online databases tend to over-share – you...
Webinar: An introduction to quantitative methods for cyber risk management
Almost daily, we hear about how cyber threats and IT risks increase globally across industries. Sadly, the methods and tools used for IT risk management today do not deliver the consistent decision support that organizations need. On March 23rd 2023, we conducted a...
ISO 27005 Is Wrong About Quantitative Risk
The International Standards Organization recently published an updated version of their guidance for information security risk management, but they have missed the mark entirely on quantitative methods. The ISO/IEC-27005 is one of the key standards published under the...
Identify your information assets in 5 steps
An important step in any IT risk management process is to clearly define the information assets in scope. But what is an information asset really? How can you best describe your important information assets? And why is it so important to spend time on establishing a...
Nu var det lige så hyggeligt
Verden er i forandring. De seneste år har mindet os om, at verden er farlig og foranderlig. Det er blevet den nye normal. Krig i Europa, klimakatastrofer, problemer med makroøkonomien og cyberangreb for blot at nævne nogle af de udfordringer, samfundet står over for....
The simplest risk metrics that we just can’t agree on
Inherent risk… residual risk… current risk? When your risk manager or regulatory affairs asks about your “inherent risk”, it highlights a fundamental flaw in qualitative risk assessments. Here’s why - and how to fix it. Although most of us engage in some form of risk...
Top 5 objections to using quantitative models within cyber risk management
Changing habits and mindsets take time and persistence. Especially within IT risk management. Again and again, we at ACI meet tonnes of objections to changing behaviour despite witnessing the benefits of moving from qualitative to quantitative. So, I felt...
Håndter cyberrisiko med taktisk og strategisk styringsinformation
Kommunikation er svær, også når det drejer sig om risiko for cyberangreb. Bestyrelse og direktion har brug for et klart beslutningsgrundlag, men ofte rammes der forbi med kommunikation, der er enten for teknisk eller for overordnet og abstrakt. Begge tilfælde er...